fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }

The beginning of something.

Hi folks, welcome to a day in the life of a security engineer my blog!

For the past year or so I was planning on creating a blog to share some professional experiences and technical knowledge. Since I work with a wide range of technologies and subjects on my current job, deciding exactly which topics to cover was not trivial. A couple of months ago during a discussion with a colleague and friend of mine, I realized that it could be a lot more useful (and fun) to write about topics that would enable developers, system administrators and technical folks of all kinds to acquire a practical understanding of applied cryptography concepts, that could eventually lead them to actually using such technologies that previously seemed too complex or academic.

This idea resonated with me, for the past 5 years I’ve been working with customers and partners to introduce security as a core part of their technical operations. So what you get from my content? Practical technical knowledge about modern applied cryptography and enterprise security concepts, products and platforms, based on my experience and research.

In the coming weeks I will start a series of posts detailing my experience using the Azure Blockchain Service and Amazon Managed Blockchain.

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